Expert Post-Treatment Tips and Tricks

July 8, 2017

When going in for a chemical peel or deep laser procedure like CO2 , there are varying challenges associated with downtime and post-procedure care. What you do after a treatment can affect the results you experience. Try these tips for faster and more effective post treatment results.

Practice Self-Care

Depending on the downtime required after a treatment, make room to rest and recover. Set aside time to let your skin and body recuperate. This includes taking a break from strenuous exercise, overexposure to the sun or even your normal makeup regimen to let your skin recover. Try getting to bed early to really allow your body to fully rejuvenate.

Use the Right Skin Care

The Epionce Essential Recovery Kit is exclusive to skin care professionals and created as an at-home regimen to help skin bounce back most effectively after a procedure. The kit consists of enough product for up to 72 hours of use to provide needed hydration as skin heals. Keep skin clean with Milky Lotion Cleanser, and soothe visible irritation and redness with a layer of Enriched Firming Mask that can be rinsed off or left on skin. Renewal Calming Cream restores loss moisture and protects , plus Priming Oil available as part of this kit helps alleviate stinging.

Treat Yourself

Feeling better after a bowl of ice cream isn’t just in your head, but may actually aid in pain relief. A study at a medical conference showed cold ice cream can help by constricting blood vessels and nerves that signal pain. If ice cream isn’t your favorite thing, try an iced fruit smoothie or blended iced drink.

Watch What You Eat

Nutrition can help or hinder your immune system which affects your skin, so getting the right foods post-procedure can help your results.  Antioxidant-rich foods like berries and green leafy vegetables, plus nuts and fish full of good fats, can help replenish much-needed nutrients in the body. Drink lots of water, which is a major component of the skin, and can help you stay hydrated from the inside out.

Talk to your Epionce professional about the best post-treatment skin care options for you.


Further Reading

Dive Into the Gentler Approach to Retinoids

Transform Your Skincare Routine into a Sensorial Journey

Your Skin is Sending an SOS — Are You Listening?

How a Busy NYC Beauty Editor Uses the Intense Recharge Mask for a Self-Care Mask Moment