Be Sun Smart and Educate
May 9, 2020
Awareness is the key to reducing the incidence of skin cancer. Let’s be the change, let’s be sun smart, and let’s educate!
We hear it time and time again, “apply broad-spectrum sunscreen before sun exposure and reapply often.” We know the dangers of repeated sun exposure to unprotected skin, yet, skin cancer affects more than 3 million Americans every year.1 Fortunately, skin cancer has become more of a hot topic, resulting in beneficial non-profit groups to spread awareness and educate. Let’s take a look at a few that are making a change:
Stylists Against Skin Cancer
This campaign unites hair professionals with dermatologists. American Society for Dermatologic Surgery has partnered with stylists nation-wide to raise awareness of scalp skin cancer. During your next hair appointment, ask your stylist to keep an eye out for any suspicious lesions.
Skin Cancer, Take a Hike!™
The American Academy of Dermatology’s SPOT Skin Cancer™ campaign organizes events, such as Skin Cancer, Take a Hike!™, where you can join a hike in the name of skin cancer awareness. This program supports skin cancer screenings, provides grants to install shade structures, and so much more.
Coast-2-Coast Program
This program is offered by Women’s Dermatologic Society and provides a toolkit that allows you to design your own outreach events, including brochures, UV color changing bracelets and sunscreen samples. Past events have taken the form of school assemblies, workplace screenings or outreach at sporting events.
How can you make a difference?
Get involved, take sun precautions, apply Epionce SPF 50 broad-spectrum sunscreens, and share the facts around skin cancer with your friends, family, coworkers – be sun smart and educate.
1. “Skin Cancer.” American Academy of Dermatology. Accessed March 2, 2020.