3 Skin Barrier Myths, Debunked

January 12, 2023

It’s a well-known fact that a healthy skin barrier is the secret to a radiant complexion, and yet there are many misconceptions about what impacts this protective barrier and how to keep it in good shape. Here are 3 common skin barrier myths, busted!

Myth 1: Using a scrub is safer for your barrier than chemical exfoliation.

FACT: Using a face or body scrub to slough off dead skin cells is NOT the safest way to exfoliate. In fact, this manual exfoliation can be irritating and could damage the skin barrier, especially if you scrub a little too hard or use an abrasive product. It’s safer to chemically exfoliate with mild, acid-based ingredients like azelaic acid and willow bark extract (a botanical source of salicylic acid) that gently dissolve dead skin cells.


Epionce Lytic Tx blends azelaic acid and willow bark extract with skin-soothing botanicals to exfoliate gently without irritating the skin.


Myth 2: Weather doesn’t affect your skin barrier.

FACT: Weather is actually a prime external factor that directly impacts the barrier. Think about how your skin is affected by dry air on an airplane or by UV rays that can burn the skin. The barrier helps protect your body from the elements, such as extreme temperatures, wind, sun and pollution. This is why it’s essential to safeguard and support the barrier with the right products and adjust them to the weather. For example, choose lightweight formulas in a humid climate and richer products in a dry environment.


Humid: Lytic Gel Cleanser and Renewal Lite Facial Lotion

Dry: Milky Lotion Cleanser and Renewal Facial Cream


Myth 3: Barrier care is only important for the face. 

FACT: The skin barrier is important from head to toe! Most of us spend 95% of our time focusing on 5% of our skin – namely that amazing facial skin of yours. But neglecting the rest of you can cause the skin on your body to become dry, flaky and vulnerable to irritation. Simply using a hydrating body lotion after you get out of the shower will make your below-the-neck skin look and feel softer, smoother and healthier.


Renewal Body Lotion is made with the same key active ingredients as Epionce Renewal Facial Cream, helping to improve the appearance of dry, photo-aged skin – but it’s specifically optimized for the special needs of the skin on the body.


Need help finding the right products for your skin type? Find an Epionce Pro Near You.



Further Reading

The Best Skincare Tips for Winter-to-Spring Transitions

Your Skincare Routine is Incomplete Without These Six Often-Ignored Areas

Dive Into the Gentler Approach to Retinoids

Transform Your Skincare Routine into a Sensorial Journey